Yongli ring touch lining ring wear the ring die and the transmission wheel is hollow shaft is concentric, that is, we often say ring concentric die is not good, will also enable Yongli machinery granulator produces vibration capacity decreased, seriously affect the service life of the ring die and Yongli machinery granulating machine, can also cause: "ring guide die mouth or a draw ring die cracking and fragmentation; increase mechanical granulating machine spindle bearings and air shaft bearing and gear shaft and the keys of the load to accelerate the wear and tear";
Inspection method:
Caliper: wear a 0.5 mm, should be replaced; the ring die is arranged in the driving wheel and ring mold flange and a transmission wheel relative deviation of the observed; ring die and the driving wheel assembly asymmetric ring mold sagging, up, down, left and right push the ring die not loose feeling.
Contact: jessica@yongli-machine.com